Nothing speacial about me. I became a ben dan when i'm in love. Sometimes I'm quite stubborn that caused a lot of silly incident happened. I needs my Family, my Dear, my Big tree and flowers as well as my friends a lot. I love to smile =]
title: 毕业歌... 今天进礼堂学唱毕业歌, 期待又害怕, 期待, 因为可以和鼓队的朋友一起学唱, 那感觉真的很好...... 害怕, 因为担心我会忍不住掉泪...... 最终, 唱着唱着, 又想起我们大伙儿一起相处的时光 想着想着 眼泪又跑出来了...... 我强忍不让眼泪夺眶而出...... 我怕莹和婷看了会受我影响, 也哭成一团.... 时光飞逝, 一转眼就过了五年...... 这五年, 发生很多很多事, 我们一起熬了过来..... 在鼓队五年的感情, 最终还是得放下了...... 让幼辈来接手鼓队..... 虽然毕业后还是可以回去看看, 但, 那感觉已经不同了.... 不过, 我会永远记得 我的第二个家 — 鼓室, 那温暖的小地方, 那聚集鼓手们的地方, 那大门永远为我们而开的地方...... |
title: 我的未来不是梦 |
title: HaPpY I'm very happy today...
Because today is saturday! We got drum practice at school... Finally can practice drum! Nearly 1 month din play drum ... Miss drum so so so much!!! Haha! Of course, And my form 5 buddy too!!! Although it's tired But, I'm very happy because we can gather together again!!! Love u all so much! haha! But i'm still love my three dear the most! Lolx! |